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Monthly View by Charles

July 2024

john1633Welcome Overcomers! God the Father is the Team Owner of the Overcomers. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Coach. The Holy Spirit is the Quarterback. The Players are the believers and receivers. Are you a member of the Team -- the Household of God? In the apostle John's vision of the new heaven and new earth, He who sat on the throne said:

"He that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, Idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death" (Revelation 21:7-8, NKJV).

An Overcomer's Response . . .

Steve wrote: "I recently saw an interview with you and learned about your testimony of the moment you accepted Jesus Christ and forgiveness." 

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Forgiven: The Charles Watson Story

A docudrama by Biola University students, and interviews with Charles and the daughter of one of his victims. This video was awarded a Silver Angel award in the Home Video category at the 20th-anniversary ceremony (1997) of the Religion and Media International Angel Awards in Hollywood, CA.

Radio Interview by Shadoe Steele

A fast-moving conversation covering Charles' past with the Manson Cult and his present transformed life in Christ. 


Will You Die for Me?

"A fixating story not only because it is a first-person account of the Manson murders by one of its murderers, but because no punches have been pulled..." -West Coast Review of Books

(Partially taken from eight hours of tape recordings with Charles' attorney in 1969; recommended by the NY Times in 2019.)

Charles Watson Speaks Out!

A riveting 200+ question interview with a former Manson Cult member, who insightfully shares his heart about Manson, the cult, the drugs, the music, the crime, the victims, the death penalty, forgiveness, prisoners, and salvation.

Christianity for Fools

Christianity seems foolish based on the world's priorities. Yet, eternal salvation is more valuable than Hall of Fame, wealth and success pursued by the world. Our prayer is that this book will open your eyes to an entirely new vision for life.

Our Identity: Spirit, Soul & Body

God created us a living soul, made up of mind, will and emotions, the spirit giving us life. I believe through the reading of this book, you will come to see yourself as a wonderful possession of our Heavenly Father.

Illumination Bible Charts

It is my hope that these charts will be a blessing to you as they have to me and many others participating in my classes over the years. I find that it is easier for me to understand spiritual truth when I can see it created in chart form.


These articles are available to print as brochures for passing out to your family and friends. For more ALMS brochures, click here.

  • God's Love Story

    The Holy Bible is God's love story. The Scriptures contain the knowledge that God has provided forgiveness of sin and eternal life as a free gift to whoever receives Jesus Christ.

  • Let Freedom Ring 2020+

    Who would have ever thought that a kid from a small town in Texas would try to start a race war in Los Angeles? The folks of Copeville were shocked that one of their...

  • Love is All You Need

    One of my favorite songs in the '60s was “Love Is All You Need” by the Beatles. Children were singing this song around the world. I don't know if the Beatles understood the enormous truth behind their message, since they were singing about a “feeling”.

  • Defining Moments Identified in Life

    Defining moments are times when decisions were made that defined our lives with either positive or negative consequences. By identifying these,  we become more effective in sharing our testimony in Christ with others.

  • Insights Into My Behavioral Change

    My irrational thinking caused a chain of destructive emotions and sinful behavior. Beginning with Eve in the Garden, thoughts of not having or being enough...

  • Dead Man Walkin'

    It was like a breath of fresh air leaving the Los Angeles County Jail in a bus for death row after my conviction. We headed up the coast to San Quentin, which overlooks the San Francisco bay.

  • Cult Madness

    The purpose of this message is to share the Truth found solely in the Good News of Jesus Christ. It has been said, if you want to know the
    counterfeit, get to know the real thing.

  • Why the Crimes?

    I was 23 years old in August 1969, when I committed crimes that shocked the nation and sent shock waves around the world.

    What People Say

    I received your postcard. I look forward to seeing the letter on your website (December 2018 Monthly View). You are always in my prayers. Maybe you can show me how to repent. I have done some terrible crimes myself. Maybe we can help each other. I just wanna do good for God now. I wanna make amends. You are a role model. Please stay in touch. Your friend and brother in Christ, John, PA.

    I emailed the admin about 4 or 5 years ago when I was initially blessed to discover Charles' amazing testimony. I just wanted to say that ALMS is still making a difference in my life and helping me tremendously in my walk with Christ. I've printed many of your Gospel Tracts/Leaflets and will be sharing them. Today I started with my Church in NY! I plan on writing Charles personally soon. I pray he and all his dear ones are well. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you! Jillian

    Hope this finds you still solid in the Word and in good spirits. Certainly over the years there have had to be times you wanted to be free and actually it is my view that you should have been freed a long time ago. But my opinion on knowing that GOD changes people has no clout except to another brother in Christ...which you are. So keep that chin up brother and say prepared. There will come a day when you will feel the breeze blowing on your face in a land paid for by Christ with His blood. Nobody is totally innocent here Charles save the children who haven't been corrupted yet. And while some have a past that is rougher than others...we are ALL capable of being washed clean in the blood of the Savior!! Greg, GA

    I was looking at some online ministries and found yours. Your story is extraordinary! People get locked up and the world forgets them. They don't dare and do not see the good that someone in prison can supply! Yours is a story that can motivate and encourage people to torn their life around and help others! If I can send you anything to help out, please let me know. Scott, NC

    I wrote you a couple months ago and telling you my interest in going to grad school and asking your opinion on the hippie movement. I actually have just recently applied and haven't heard back from the school yet. I just wanted to write this letter thanking you for your response. I tried to get in contact with roughly 15 people from the 60s, and only got a response from you and one other. So again, thank you. Lastly, I wanted to say that the more I read about the hippie movement, the more inclined I also am to think it was a failure. As you said, they had no foundation. To me, the only thing that held them together was the Vietnam War, and once that ended, they had nothing. Cole, GA

    I was struggling with addiction and went off the deep end. Lost my girl, sold everything, and had hardly nothing, but I came across your letter and the uplifting, positive things you said to me. Something hit me, the Lord! I knew that there was only one way to go, up! I checked into a clinic, kicked drugs and booze, and I thank the Lord Jesus, and you and your story. You really helped me, man. Aaron, TN

    I continue to be blessed by your Christian website. I just learned how to use the computer about 3 years ago. God has given us a measuring stick of His love and that measuring stick is called "Calvary"! Lifting you up in prayer today during my fellowship time with the Lord! In addition your ministry! Floyd, USA

    Dear Mr. Watson: Yes, I gave my soul to Christ years ago when I was in my late 20s. Yes sir, it is free and the world would be a better place if everyone knew Jesus. It was good receiving a letter back. I showed your flyer to my pastor..., and he did a sermon about you. I think you will be happy to know that, and the sermon was very good I might add. He said he was going to write too. I'll keep you in my prayers. Your friend, Jake, FL

    I'm 35 years old and I'm a truck driver. I don't want you to take this letter as fan mail. I'm not a collector in any way. I just like the page Abounding Love Ministries and feel it's a very good thing you are doing. I read your book "Will You Die For Me?" It is a great book and a real eye opener. So after seeing your mailing address, I figured I would write and tell you how much I enjoy what you do. Thanks Mr. Watson. Jake, Florida

    Praise report from the April '17 View

    I never imagined myself sitting down to write you a letter, but here I am. I have been fascinated with cults and cult mentality since I wrote my first research paper on the Manson Family back in 1985. I recently read your interview "Will You Die For Me?" and I was very impressed with the insight you were able to provide from first-hand knowledge of how a person is able to be drawn into the "cult" mentality. I just wanted to take a moment to say that I admire that you have step up to take responsibility for your part in that summer, and how you have turned your life around. Rhonda, IN

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