What People Say
The Monthly View for August 2024 looks great! I shared it on my Facebook page. I loved the verses you shared at the end. Do you really get a lot of mail from people who are envious of your Spahn Ranch lifestyle? That's so unreal. They really don't have a firm grasp on the reality of your life there. So many of the things that Hippies felt would bring them freedom only brought bondage. I remember them. I thought they looked beautiful with all their hair. Lorene, TN.
You are often on my mind and in my prayers that you are well. While my wife and I were in Gatlinburg on our 50th wedding anniversary, we visited a museum that centered on crime. There on one wall were your fingerprints with a story about Manson. The plaque told of your conversion to Jesus. I felt so blessed! So, a lady comes up while I'm there and took an interest in the display. When I told her that we correspond, she was surprised. I got to share your testimony with her. Praise God! Larry & Beverly, IN.
I just read your July Monthly View. Very good! Steve seemed to be positively impacted by your ministry. I grew up in a home where there were paranormal things going on. It was difficult because I became a Christian when I was 11, but the other people in the home weren't; so I couldn't escape it. I remember sleeping with my Bible at one point. In any case, your View really resonated with me. Lorene, Martin, TN.
I wanted to write in appreciation to you responding. It meant a lot to me to receive your letter. I found it very sincere. I am glad to hear you are doing well. I have since picked up a Bible and started the Gospel of John. I find it very inspirational and encouraging. I still visit your site and listen to the podcast. Thank you for your time. God Bless You Charles! Hugs, Jon, PA.
I enjoyed your writing on Identifying Teenage Depression. Permit me to make some comments. Two years ago we lost a student at our school to suicide. This past year, I was to get a new lad second semester. He never showed up; he committed suicide over the holidays. My understanding is that holidays are very difficult for many who have gone through divorce, illness, separation, rejection, etc. I have various examples to show that even when teachers have concerns, the report often gets ignored, pushed aside, or forgotten. Oh yes, once a student blows it, starts sho oting up the place, they go back and find all the "warning signs", which were ignored. A commission then investigates, and change comes about. Most of us teachers believe the #1 problem today is social media. Students are absolutely addicted to their cell phones. They view their worth as a person by how many 'friends' they have, and comments other make, and so on. From the internet, "Over 1 in 10 youth in the U.S. are experiencing depression that is severely impairing their ability to function in school or work, at home, with family, or in their social life. 16.39% of youth (ages 12-17) report suffering from at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year. 2024. Nearly 30% of adults say they experienced depression at some point. Depression rates are skyrocketing a new poll shows . . . Men and women typically have the same treatment options, common medications and psychotherapy, or a combination of both." Sad that in the treatment discussions, one's faith doesn't even come up. As a society, we have tried to squeeze out any mention of God. If you would, I'd appreciate you sending me a couple more brochures for some fellow teachers. One student was recently in a mental ward, and another has an older sister who in the past attempted suicide, so this is a very real, ongoing problem. As we know, the solution is to know your worth in Jesus; that he died and rose again for you. Bob, Florida.
My name is Jon. I live in Pennsylvania. I am 36 years old and just wanted to let you know a little about myself. I was a child, when my parents divorced. Then, my mom passed away when I was 12. It was very hard on me. I was moved from my school to live with my dad in a new town. Enough about me for now! I recently came across your website and listened to your podcast messages done at CMC. I find it very fascinating and interesting. I haven't really been into religion of any kind. In fact after my mom passed, I found myself questioning if there could really be a God. I do find your messages very true in fact. I wanted to see if you possibly could talk to me more about your views and beliefs or if you have some literature you can pass on to me. I hope you are being treated good. Have a great day, and I hope to hear back from you. Jon, PA.
I [Charles] just heard again from Amy, who is in severe depression, feeling lonely and with no family. Her living condition is unstable and threatening. She is in need of her own apartment and job. She writes: "Please send me Bible verses on depression and loneliness . . . I'm overwhelmed as a new Christian . . . I looked at your website, what you recommend and read the Bible almost everyday . . . Thank you for your time and advice to help me on my journey." Please pray for Amy's situation. That she will spend quality time in God's Word, building herself up in faith, so she will know the truth and be equipped to do battle against the forces of darkness. Pray that she will grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ to understand her identity in His finished work at the Cross. "And her God shall supply all her need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).
Good morning! You have helped me a lot with the article about the symptoms of depression. Also, I am studying "The Christian Toolbox" on your site. I loved reading about the Gifts of the Spirit. That's why we must be born again for the Holy Spirit to use us to reach this depraved world. I continue to share with everyone who I am today in Christ. We must not be silent. We must fulfill what is in the Gospel of Mark 16:15: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel [Good News] to ALL creation." Have a wonderful day, Grazieli, Brazil.
I'm preparing my lesson for when I go into juvenile detention on Saturday. Being the day before Easter, we're sharing about it and the fact that Jesus came to forgive all our sins if we but trust in Him. Also I'll be re-sharing the letter you originally wrote to the Challenged Kids these 7 years ago. The story bears repeating to show Christ's transformative power and love. They need to hear it! This current group of kids haven't heard it yet so it will again be powerful. The last time we did an "altar call" (so to speak), when two kids gave their life to Christ! Hoping more will soon! In His peace, Justin, El Paso, TX.
I just listened to your podcast. It was great! God leads your ways and thoughts! I hope you are doing good. It has turned out that I am beginning to have diabetes. I have been examined and luckily it is nothing serious. I have to watch what and how much I eat. I will start training again. I'm looking forward to your letter. Arpi, Budapest, Hungary.
I just listened to your latest recording "Be Hospitable to One Another" and enjoyed it. I think I've said previously that I'm not a religious guy, but I enjoy your analysis of scripture. There's a lot of wisdom that's pretty hard to deny and you've got a good voice. It's easy to listen to. I like that quote about the power of hospitality to diffuse an enemy. "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head." I can see the logic in that and see its applicability in areas of my own life; my ex-wife included. Thanks Charles. Julian, Australia.
I currently work at a restaurant and was able to use your story once again. My boss asked me if I believe that people can really change. I told her of your story and how through God's grace and strength anyone can become a new creation. I hope you are doing well and your ministry continues to be blessed. You are doing fantastic work for the Lord. I continue to pray for safety, guidance and peace for you. Please let me know how you are doing and if there is anything I can pray for. I pray this New Year brings more people to you so they will discover the love of God. I look forward to hearing from you. With love, Victoria, PA.
I don't want you to think I have forgotten how important your life is to me. I have been suffering with the onset of Alzheimer's disease, but I am hanging in there. During a recent treatment, I somehow told a doctor about my correspondence with you in the past and was confronted with the all too familiar "Why on earth would you write to that animal?" Well, it gave me a chance to explain that a true believer admires more the change in a person than their past. It is hard for me to write and make sense at this point, but I wanted to let you know I was still here and still in awe of your rebirth. I look forward to meeting you in person one day on God's golden shore. In the Lord, Bill, Florida.
My name is Lukasz from Poland. I am writing after hearing various stories about the Manson cult. I learned your story from documentaries. I also watched the video "Forgiven" on your site. Your conversion story is very uplifting. Your words moved me, so I decided to write my Christian brother. Another thing we have in common, we were both converted in prison. There God removed the veil from my eyes, and I believed. Being behind bars, I realize how difficult it is to be a Christian in prison. Fortunately, thank God, I was preserved. . .I will pray for you to preserve in Christ until the end. That's why I would like to build you up and encourage you not to lose heart. . .The fact that there are people who may feel prejudice against you because of what you have done means nothing compared to the fact that you have peace with God through Jesus Christ and will not face judgment but have passed from death to life and are saved. . .Fond regards, Luke, Poland.
My name is Saril. I'm a 16 year old guy, who find you fascinating. I made my communion at 13, but don't go to church because I doubt God would be happy with my actions. . .I do feel like a personal relationship with God could get me through the struggles of today. . .I agree with your new "Identifying Teenage Depression" article. . .I think men have a harder time speaking out about it, because men are suppose to be strong. Instead, their feelings come out in rage and other things. In your article, it was cool to see Grazieli experiencing the same thing, who also reached out to you. I will definitely take a look at the "Behavior Exchange Study Charts." I appreciate your insight. I was fascinated with your story and obsessed with your life and came looking for Tex, but that's not you anymore. It was even better to get to know the new reformed Charles. Thank you, Saril, NY!
God is good Charles! The jail ministry is going well. I just shared on Sunday "My Behavioral Exchange" chart with the new guys. It's a great model for the causes and the solutions of crime all on one page. Thank you for everything from Abounding Love. Prayers and blessings, Martin, Colorado.
Hello, Mr. Watson! How are you doing? I'm 17 years old girl, and I'm from Brazil, so I'm sorry for my bad English, hehehe. Your testimony has inspired many people and inspired me too. I first heard about the crimes through a documentary in 2016, when I was 10 years old, and I heard about you and your conversion. I recently went through a "spiritual coldness" (a moment of doubt). I spent time in New Age, witchcraft, spiritualism despite being born into a Christian family. Today, I am slowly returning to the Lord's ways, but the brainwashing I suffered in these pagan religions made me disbelieve in Christianity, Jesus and God's love. Could you give me some advice? I need someone to help me, since in my social circle I don't find young Christians. Sincerely, Grazieli, Brazil.
Charles my friend, how are you this evening? I was just reading your March View on the train. I love when you share the stories of those who have been touched by your story. As I have said many times, I feel it is what makes you such a profound inspiration, and your voice that much more resonant. I am always so proud of you as I am reading your Monthly View. I will finish this one when I get home from work in the morning. Okay, my brother. Brian, Washington, DC. [Message from a text].
Often, folks ask me questions that I have answered a multitude of times over the years in my books and articles, who haven't taken the time to read the materials. I have shared over and over my deep guilt from the beginning and how faith in God's forgiveness through Jesus' blood and righteousness has given me peace and joy. And, how we are to renew our minds as Christians, not walking by sight nor by letting our feelings control us, but rather conquering them by faith on a daily basis (2 Cor. 5:7). Remember, we're not to live in the past; we're in Christ's victory as new creations, old things have passed away, all things have become new (2 Cor. 5:17). Also, I have shared how we are to cast down imaginations [guilt, condemnation, fear and inferiority] by bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). And, how we overcome the devil [the accuser of the brethren] by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ and by the Word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11). Our testimony is what Christ has done through His finished work on the cross. That is, what we celebrate not only during Easter week, but everyday, continually overcoming the trials of life and the wiles of the devil (2 Cor. 2:11). But, let us never forget to take responsibility for our daily choices in life. Let us choose life, not death, that we may live the abundant life that Jesus promised for those who serve him (John 10:10). You see how important it is to know God's Word by the Scriptures I share, which is the Truth, otherwise our reality is worldly and fleshly. This is the message I share today. I have shared all my past that I desire to share on the site. I beg you to read it to fill your heart's desire. But, my prayer is that you will delight yourself in the Lord, and only then will you truly fulfill the desires of your heart (Psa. 37:4). Charles D. Watson, San Diego, CA.
I just listened to your podcast sermon #239A - "The Call Of God" on the harvest and laborers being needed. Powerful sermon! I 'm trying to become a group leader with Celebrate Recovery to get many people sober and into recovery. I pray your ministry reaches those who need it most. Your ministry and you are in my prayers. Amen. Kevin, Alabama.
I hope this finds you well under the circumstances. It's taken me a while to compose this because I didn't know what I would say or how to say it. I have always loved old Hollywood and it's history, even the tragic parts. I knew your story well, at least the one portrayed by the media, so it was a bit shocking to find out you had started a ministry. I'm so happy you found God and are helping others do the same! Reading about your ministry and your real story taught me our God loves everyone and doesn't measure sin. We can all truly be forgiven! You will be in my prayers! Kind Regards, Janelle, TX
I'm amazed about how free, relaxed and together you sound to me, given the circumstances you happen to be in, because of Dennis Wilson hitching a ride with you. It proves that, no matter where you are in life, and in what location or situation you find yourself, a person's mental and physical health and frame of mind come from within your soul and spirit, not from external sources. There are not many humans who could do what you have done to atone for your mistakes. We all make major mistakes in our lives, but it takes a special person to receive forgiveness and to become a better person, because you have the courage and the realization to trust in God and to minister to others. Many blessings, Fred, Washington State.
I didn't get a chance to listen to the latest podcast until after 4 in the morning. It was really powerful. The podcast is CHRISTIANS DOING THE NEW THING and THE NEW THING... I definitely think differently than I used to. I don't do the things I used to. God changed me. If someone told me that my daughter would die, and I wouldn't shed a tear, I would have told them they must be nuts. But my faith in knowing that Jesus is real lets me look at things in a different way. I'm happy for her. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior in September. I watched as people cried at the funeral. I was thinking...Don't they know? She's in a much better place. Be happy for her. She looked beautiful. A beautiful soul. She's not suffering anymore. Either I'm nuts or God works miracles and changes our thinking. What do you think? John, New Castle, PA.
I really enjoyed the "Three Great Things To Know" episode on your podcast. I liked the insight. I have to admit, I've read the Bible and gone to church before, but something is different this time. I'm so much stronger! It's been amazing, and it's a beautiful feeling, not being so worried and fearful. God has everything under control, and he'll never let me down. You said in your podcast, "I used to have all this darkness within me, but now I have all this light", which is similar for me. As I mentioned, I've always been a believer in God, but it was like being in a fog. After rereading and really taking His word, the fog has lifted. God is the Light! He is great! Take care, Kayla, FL.
I've been able to listen to your podcast for the last few weekends. The last one was episode 226 "The Dynamic Christian." I just started 265 "Sowing & Reaping". You said, " Our life is a life of sowing and reaping. If you want a life fashioned after God, fashion it after He sowed in the Garden of Eden..." I like that statement, and how you go on to the comparison, "If you plant a watermelon, you aren't going to get an orange." You get what you plant. I guess my place in God's garden is slowly taking stronger roots. I am God's building. And in Christ, I'll do my part to keep the building from being knocked down. I'm building up my foundation as you said. It's just taking me a while to get there, but I'm working on it! I no longer have a straw house though. So I am thankful to the Word of God for that. God bless you, Evan, Canada.
Going back to your Father's Day Monthly View for June, you shared how you enjoyed working on cars with your dad and also fishing together. One of my fondest memories is fishing with my dad. I grew up in the country not far from lakes and ponds. Another memory is my father and I would put on our baseball gloves and play catch in a field next to our house. . . I just found your sermons podcast on your website. I was so blessed by your gift of preaching. Bill Gather wrote the song, 'Because He Lives', which is one of my favorite songs to sing when I'm going through a trial. I'm sure you are familiar with the song. I thank the Lord for the Christians He has surrounded me with for fellowship and encouragement. That includes you brother. Love in Christ, Floyd, Manahawkin, NJ.
A woman who follows me on social media and has done prison programming in FL sent me this message...."You MUST tell Tex that FL DOC inmate #V37262 read his book "Will You Die for Me?" at Lowell Correctional Institute last year and, "It motivated me to better myself while incarcerated. I could have done dirt but instead, I chose to take classes, get certifications, and tutor women studying for their GED. If Tex could turn his life around, why couldn't I? So I did!" Please tell him a woman in Florida was inspired by him." I'm passing it along. Jennifer, CA.
My favorite thing I've been doing lately is strengthening my relationship with God. I've been studying and reading the Bible so much. This week I've been reading the book of John, plus your podcast is one of my favorites. It is wonderfully well done. I love the views you put out always such words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing God's Word. Kayla, FL.
I've just listened to the podcast "How To Get Out Of Prison." I shared it on two of my Facebook pages: Christian International Fellowship and His Calling. Now, I'm listening to "The Dynamic Christian." Praise God, I'm not glorifying you, but God sure has used you for His glory. I can listen to you preach and really feel the Spirit. I pray for the men who came to the altar during the service. I like how you said, "...the devil will try to convince us that we are worthless good for nothings." And it reminded me of what I was going through a few months back, but praise God, I'm a new creation. I hope you have a great week And you are in my prayers every day. Marcia, KY.
I brought ministry cards to Bible study tonight and told everyone about them. They were all fascinated by it. I think they will be a good group because they can give them to people they know as well. It's a great way to share the Gospel because you have a story so unique just about anybody would stop to listen I think. Matt, NE.
I went to your Abounding Love website with your podcast on it early this morning. You have some great things to say about our Lord Jesus Christ on there! The Lord certainly is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I actually have my favorite Bible verse tattooed on my ribs. It is 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith." That verse has always resonated with me and put my feelings in one lump sum. Thank you so very much for everything. In Jesus, Minnie, Cookeville, TN.
Just a short note of encouragement for you! Life has a tendency to wear us all down. When it happens I call on Jesus to help me. Thank you very much for your letters. They encourage me so very much. I can only imagine how your Abounding Love Ministries keeps you pretty busy. I love to check out your site, as there is always good news to read. Would appreciate your prayers for my health. Remember, "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful" (1 Cor. 1:8,9). In Jesus, Larry & Beverly, Ft. Wayne, IN.
I just finished your book Will You Die For Me? I do believe your acceptance of Jesus and that you were under Satan's spell in 1969. Please continue your good work ministering to the world. Chris, Bethlehem, PA.
I have been praying and thinking of you and your ministry often during the day. That is neat that you were friends with Keith Green. I love his music; especially his version of "This is the day the Lord has made." When I get discouraged, the Holy Spirit reminds me of all my blessings. One blessing has been writing you. Thanks for your encouragement and testimony. Your friends, Larry and Beverly, Ft. Wayne, IN.
I thought I would drop you a line to let you know how much I enjoy your website. I have downloaded the Bible course and other papers you have on there. I have a Recovery Bible that I use at church. I had a bad drinking problem a few years ago. I was in a bad abusive relationship for 18 years. I have been a Baptist my entire life. I got baptized a few years ago with my son. I would be grateful if you would pray for me. The Lord never gives you more than you can handle. I have my faith to help me through the rough spots. I would love it if you took the time to write me a few words of encouragement to get through this. Patty, Ontario, Canada.
I've listened to your podcast; it's wonderful. I just want you to know that your accomplishments while being locked up, are inspiring. The way you speak of Jesus is also truly inspiring. You're doing good work. I'm going to love listening to the podcast because it's always great to hear it coming from you. Ixia, CA.
I feel honored that you would use my "scribbling" in your April view. Thank you for your ministry and love for others. I very much enjoyed your pamphlet "My Love For Cars." It was very well written, and I got a lot out of it. Sometimes I wonder about little events in our lives, and how they impact our lives. For instance, if you had not picked up Dennis Wilson; and if I had been wounded or killed in Vietnam. Food for thought. I feel blessed to have nearly 71 years. Take care my friend! Let us run the race well!! Larry, IN.
I am still bringing AA to the Elbert Jail on Sunday nights. I always give new people your "My Behavioral Exchange" chart as a model for Roots, Maintenance and Plans. It is excellent and thank you for this Charles! All the best. Martin, Elizabeth, CO.
You've got quite a story. I'm just kind of enamored that the most notorious man and woman in Manson's clan become the most notable followers of Christ. That is "A win for the good guys" as I heard someone say. If you had not gotten saved, I would have no interest in writing you, but since you did, I'm rather fascinated. The apostle Paul killed Christians [I've never found that myself, only that he persecuted them] and look how he turned out. I guess where sin abounds, grace really does abound much more. Kevin, AL.
I was thrilled to see part of my story in the January or February Monthly View this year. I just wish my last name and address would have been included! I want -- like you -- to be open about my story as it may help others and certainly is a testament to the grace of God. And even now, this very day, I can rejoice and boast in my weaknesses because Christ's power is made perfect in weakness. These are truths/facts of life which you model. Jonathan, Grand Rapids, MI.
I have been learning so much about you on your website. I like the interviews with you and the sermons on there. I feel so much inspiration in my life from your letters on the site. I turned my life around 20 years ago, and I feel so much better about life. I know God is with me every day. I thank Him every night in my prayers. Ronald, Flint, MI.
I listened to your podcast "Three Great Things To Know". What a message! You have a gift to preach the Word of God. What an inspiration you're to me and so many others. I will listen to that message again it was so good. You speak with such enthusiasm and excitement for the Lord. I will forever remember: 1) We are who God says we are, 2) We have what God says we have, and 3) We can do what God says we can do. God bless you! I've had a bad self-image most of my life, and I needed to hear this message. I can't wait to hear your other messages. Jim, Sun City, AZ.
You mentioned that many Indians are viewing your site. It's because our people are anxious to feed on healthy spiritual food wherever available. I find that your site comes out very clear in our Country. Your story is an inspiring testimony as how God could change a man and make him to be a mighty instrument in His hands for the glory of God and for the blessing of many. I encourage you to continue in your ministry and our prayers go with you. D.S. Spurgeon, India.
I read your monthly view about Thierry. I remember when I got saved; all the radios were playing meaningful songs. The world brightened up. I felt like I was on a natural high. I felt great. It wasn't long after my dad passed away. I was the biggest atheist before all this. I would debate people. The more I did, the more I came to believe. I thought about DNA, plants, water, animals, and our senses, and things just made sense. My heart changed. I was a big asshole. I stole, I cheated. I was angry. Things changed. People look at me with lots of respect. I don't know what they would think if they saw the old me. God gives you time to learn from your mistakes. Take care of yourself. I'll be praying for you. A big hug for my buddy, Jonh, PA.
I love the Abounding Love website. I'm big on the ALMS brochures as I've always been a fan of them. Remember when I would always ask when there will be a new one? That was early on, now I can download the ALMS brochures. I firmly believe the Study Chart Gallery is a fantastic idea, and if someone new to the site would follow everything that is in those charts, it would be a clearer path for people who have doubts in their mind regarding our Lord. Peace and friendship, Frank, PA.
I hope this finds you well. I am 23 years old. I recently read your book. As a person with disabilities, I have struggled with my relationship with God. Your story helps me so much. I've survived so much trauma, pain and bullying. I felt so lost. Your book is truly inspiring. Your ministry is so awesome. Honestly, I truly want to find God; to truly follow Christ. I wish you all the joy and peace in the world. I hope to hear from you. God Bless, Jake, AZ.
Charles, do you think the devil had anything to do with your choices back in 1969? The reason I ask is I sense anyone can be corrupted. Apparently, you came from a good family and somewhere along the way things went wrong. A lot of people think the devil isn't real, but they believe in God. I admit the devil is hard to accept as an individual of evil. I find it easier to accept evil as multiple sources. In the end, I guess you have to be vulnerable to the devil's influences. Maybe that is an answer? Some people may just be evil in nature. I don't know. Thanks, Frank, CT.
I want to share with you about my father. In May, 2014, at age 71, my father passed away. His name was Arthur, and he was a good man, but I had many unresolved issues with him that I could not let go of. I honestly could not forgive him for the things that he had done. Nothing illegal, no drugs, no alcohol, no stepping out on my mom; it was just things I did not agree with. These feelings tormented me, and I could not forgive him. I spoke to my pastor and my wife, but Brother Charles, I could not let it go.
I guess I'm as stubborn as a Missouri mule, and I kept on. Then, one day in 2021, it was like a voice told me to pick up a book titled "Will the Circle be Unbroken," by Sean Dietrich. Believe me, I'm not a big reader, but I believe the good Lord told me to read the book. It is about Sean's father who committed suicide when he was younger and left him with so many unanswered questions. I laughed, cried and cried some more. At the end of the book, I was feeling the presence of God telling me it was time to let it go and forgive my dad. And like that, I let it go, and it was done. A weight lifted off of me. I say all that to say it is always in God's time about what you ask for. The Lord never gave up on me. I say all that to tell you that what you do is appreciated. Your ministry is more important than you can imagine. Thank you for all you do. God bless, Arthur, AL.
Got your reply and I did receive my monthly installment of the word to my email. I liked it a lot. I'll look forward to that. Matter of fact, the entire Abounding Love website is pretty good. I've linked it to several people that I talk to and they were all happy to take a look.
I have told MANY people about your site and more importantly about the new man you have become. I have something to tell you that you need to know. Over the years... the story of Manson, Spahn, the girls and you have come up more times than I can count... and the MAJORITY of people over all these years that I have been in conversation with do not talk negatively of you and the girls. They hate what direction Manson took everybody in at the end but to the man... they all would have loved to have been part of the early days when y'all were free and happy. Bad things happen here Charles... and bad things happen to good people. Satan makes damn sure they do... but that does not lock your eternity out of your reach. You dropped what you needed to, looked up to Heaven and invited Jesus to change you. HE did and I am proud of you my friend. There is a place where time does not exist, where happiness is the only drug we need. You WILL be sitting on a hillside one day my brother... with a cool wind blowing through your hair as you look at the miracle of Heaven in front of you. Never forget that and know that I will walk up to you there and we will rejoice and thank our Savior for our salvation. Your brother for life, Greg, GA.