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Correspondence, Visiting and Sponsorship (Connect Two)

c2coverIn the late '70s, the Lord gave me the Connect Two brochure, but not until now have I felt led to put it out with your help. I pray the Lord will touch your heart to be involved today!

This brochure is a tool to help bring Christian prisoners of the same gender together with a member of the Body of Christ on the outside. You can be a big part of this outreach.

One of the most neglected areas of ministry in the Body of Christ and one of greatest needs is to bring Christians together regardless of walls, fences and bars.

We believe that if Christians on the outside were to catch the vision for prisoner outreach, God’s love and grace would not only change individual lives, but our society at large.

A new revival is on the horizon for those who awake to this area of unrealized need in their lives. I ask that you pray for God to make this desire real to you.

Here's what you must do:

  • Fill out the Pen-Pal Questionnaire on the brochure
  • LOCATE the closest prison to you at or by searching on the internet for (your State) Department of Corrections, or U.S. Federal Prison, and use that address for the prison chaplain.
  • MAIL the brochure to Attn: Protestant or Catholic Chaplain (one or the other), expecting a response. You may desire to include a note to the chaplain.
  • REACH OUT to a prisoner by sending the brochure to a prisoner you already know. ASK him to give the brochure to one of his/her Christian friends from you or one of your friends. You may want to send several brochures in an envelope for them to be returned by prisoners to your church's address on the brochure.
  • USE WISDOM in your relationships. Keep the focus on Jesus and how you can build up one another. It may be good to send a self-addressed stamped envelope for a return response. Be personal, even transparent, but if you are asked to get them a pen pal of the opposite sex, money, packages and etc., you know there is a lack of sincerity. Respond in love and state your purpose in the relationship. There may come a time when you are led to help out, but start by giving your love, the Word, brochures, Bible studies and encouragement.

Now, get ready for a blessing. I expect to hear you say, "Charles, I thought I was going to be the one to bless, but it turns out that I am the one blessed even more." You'll find Christian brothers and sisters who have much more time to spend with the Lord than you do, so get ready to be blessed Beloved.

"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you" (1 Thess. 3:12).