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February 2016


Welcome! God's forgiveness is so amazing. The more forgiveness-conscious we become, the more we experience healing and freedom from every bodily ailment, mental and emotional oppression, and destructive habit. The Psalmist David was well aware of the healing power of forgiveness, saying,

"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all of your diseases." 1

God's Transforming Power...

Here's a wonderful praise report from a Kentuckian named Elka, who wrote to me in prison.

“I just want to thank you for your honesty and for your testimony. For a very long time I've felt that something was urging me to listen to your side of the story. A few days ago, I was able to view your testimony on line. I'm so glad that you're so open and truthful, but most of all, that you're saved. Your line my life is a very long story, & I can absolutely tell you that God used your testimony and example to show me and save me from many things, that I was at war within myself.

I've been to the point as of late, that I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on. I had considered just giving up and not getting through anymore, but I began to feel in my soul that if God got you through your struggles, then maybe I wasn't a lost cause after all.

I was overcome with the pressures and stresses of life. Because of a very depressing situation with my unstable son, my health issues, and posttraumatic stress, I was on my way to making some very poor decisions. Your testimony made me feel like I should be talking to God again. God has worked through you so much. I feel free!” Elka, Kentucky

Like Elka, you can experience the same freedom over life struggles by talking to God again. She had forgotten His benefits. How about you? Listen, Jesus took all your punishment for sin upon stop, so stop punishing yourself. He provided complete forgiveness through His blood, and He heals all your diseases, so see yourself forgiven, accepted and healed. Knowing your sins are forgiven precedes the healing of your diseases; so praise Him.

Remembering God's Benefits...

If you were raised going to church, you may recall during the Lord's Supper the words on the altar cloth, "In Remembrance of Me." We are to participate in communion while remembering that Jesus' body was broken for our healing, and his blood was shed for our forgiveness. Some congregations participate in the ordinance monthly, some weekly and others daily, but ideally, we are to participate moment by moment in our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Psalmist David said in Psalm 103, “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

  • He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
  • He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
  • He fills me with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

David realized that by remembering or recalling the good things of God, caused God's grace to work in his life and for him, to bring him to a place of greater health, emotional strength, peace and long life. I encourage you to spend some time reading and meditating on the Psalms of David.

What Are You Thinking?

There's an ongoing battle in your mind between wrong beliefs and thoughts versus right beliefs and thoughts. When you believe and think right, you'll feel and behave right. Your feelings and actions always follow your thoughts and beliefs.

The revelation of Jesus Christ from God's Word and this website offers right beliefs and thoughts, which will launch you towards your breakthrough. It is the truth that you know and believe that has the power to set you free. That is why Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 2

  • God loves you... Say “God loves me!”
  • God forgives you... Say “God forgive me!”
  • God heals you... Say “God heals me!”
  • God accepts you... Say “God accepts me!”

Make a decision to live responsibly by saying what God says, and by casting down the enemy's lies, thoughts, accusations, guilt, failure and defeat that are designed to destroy and bring you down. Put your foot down by taking a stand today!

“We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” 3

Trust and Obey...

The old hymn goes, “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Obey means to hear the word and do it! As an example Jesus listens to His father and obeyed, by being obedient unto death on the cross, as "...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." 4

You obey your heavenly Father when you come into agreement with who you are Christ's death, burial and resurrection. He did it all for you, so now it is up to you to believe and receive Him, or reject God's free gift of righteousness.

“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” 5

By rejecting Christ, you'll have two take your own punishment and judgment for sin, which means spiritual death, “...For the wages of sin is death.” But if you receive Christ payment for a sin, “...The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 6

Begin by receiving Christ today and start renewing your mind with God's Word. We offer the “A-Z Identity System” page and brochure on this site for an easy way to recall who you are in Christ daily, plus “The Confession of the Word.” Remember, right beliefs and thoughts will change your life; spirit, soul and body.

A Prayer for You...

Thank you Jesus, for loving me. Today I receive Your complete forgiveness in my life for all my sins, mistakes, and feelings. I release them all into Your loving hands. I declare that in You, I am completely forgiven, free, accepted, favored, righteous, blessed and healed from every sickness and disease. Amen!

Scripture References:

1) Psa. 103:1-3
2) John 8:32
3) 2 Cor. 10:4,5, NLT
4) Rev. 13:8b
5) 2 Cor. 5:21, NLT
6) Rom. 6:23