January 2008
This Month’s View is offering you a new and creative way to bring forth a fresh and rewarding New Year. I pray that your eyes will be opened and new heights of opportunities to break forth in your life. The Lord promises “…to do a brand new thing.” He says, “I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness … I will create rivers in the desert!” 1
A New Beginning - 2008
We have many examples from God’s word proving that the number seven is God’s perfect number, the number of completion. The number eight represents new beginnings. This year will be your new beginning for change, but only if you will step out in faith and see it occur. This is not a justification to disobey God’s word, such as leaving your spouse, but an opportunity for you to triumph together by making this a year of new beginnings.
One man defined “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Many of you are preparing to insanely move into 2008 without new vision for change. This does not have to be major change, but just one little difference in order for something new to fill its place. You will be surprised what will open up once you make this decision.
This is a decision that must be made with prayer and by listening to that wee small voice of God in your heart. It is a voice that sparks new hope and freedom for life’s most wonderful joys to occur. Instead, most likely yours or another voice was greater than God’s in your life. It would say, “You can’t do that!”, but God would say, “Take the limits off Me, Step out in faith and remember you can do all things through Christ who created you for His purpose.”2
What Could It Be?
For each of us, that new beginning is a different opportunity. It may be something that you gave desired to do all your life. For me, it is to finish my senior year in college for a B.S. in Business Administration. I’ve have to make a difficult decision to lay aside teaching my two Bible classes, and give the time slot to someone else for the opportunity of a new beginning in their life. I will be stepping out to complete a life-long dream, plus opening the door for other new opportunities.
It is all about thinking outside the box that we have placed ourselves in our mind. Once we begin to open up to new adventures of faith by letting the first crack, the dam breaks for a flood to come forth. It just takes that first step to say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 3
You will be amazed by what come forth as new freedoms take place in you life. There is a whole new world of opportunities out there. New people will come into your life to help you open the gates of opportunities. It will be like a chick breaking out of an eggshell experiencing a whole new world without knowing exactly what to do at first. But it won’t take long for you to be stepping tall, abounding in the love of God.4
Opening The Door
It is wise to be very cautious who you let into your life. In the early days of the church, because of persecution, Christians would make the sign if fish with a stick in the dirt when they would first met in order to find out if they were both Christian. Christ says, “Look! Here I stand at the door and knock. If you hear me calling and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal as friends.”5 He is the one who will give you a heavenly point of view with wisdom to discern who to let into your life. This must be done with great discernment. Don’t be afraid to step and share the excitement of your life with those around you, but this should be done with great discernment.
For me, I am opening the door for you to write me. I don’t have anything to lose since I’m protected by prison walls including an electric fence. I live in the ultimate “gated community”. Words cannot hurt me because I am secure in Christ. My address is on our "Contact Us" page. You must enclose a self addressed stamped envelop to get a response. I am not promising to answer all your questions, but I an willing to respond with whatever the Lord places on my heart for you.
Is this the flood gate opening in my life? Who knows what new opportunities could occur as a result? I do not take all the opportunities that come my way, but it is great to have several so that the Lord can speak to my heart concerning His will for my life. He is the one who opens the door for us that no one can shut.6 Are you willing to open the door to your new life so that the flood gate can break forth a new beginning?
New Opportunities
This year is going to be the most amazing year for those willing to open the door for a new beginning. If you will just crack it a little, the Lord will strengthen you to open it the rest of the way through faith in what He has planned for your life.
It has taken me years to see my destiny. Ever since Christ came into me heat in 1975, it has been to share the testimony of Jesus Christ. This year, my books “Will You Die For Me?” and “Manson’s Right-Hand Man Speaks Out!”, will be bound together back to back in one new publication. We see the Lord using it touch a whole new generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to have something new and exciting for you during the New Year of 2008. Let me hear from you!
A Prayer for You …
Our loving Father, You know the beginning from the end, and the purpose of our lives. You plans are for good and not for harm. When we are faithful, you remain faithful. In faith, we ask for your will to be reveled in our life, so that we may step forward and receive all you desire to have happen. We seek to do your will and to begin anew as you would want us. Please open those doors you plan for us to go through to further your kingdom as we minister in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Scripture References:
1 Isa. 43:19
2 Psa. 78:41,42
3 Phil. 4:13
4 I Thess. 3:12
5 Rev. 3:20
6 Rev. 3:8