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February 2006

The purpose of the Monthly View is to share God's point of view from the Bible. Like the prophet Jeremiah, "God's words are what sustain me. They bring great joy and are my heart's delight." 1 If the Lord can sustain and give joy to my heart after 36 years in prison, He can do the same for your situation.

The Bible Charts Chain Booklet

A few months ago, I shared how my illumination Bible Charts would be distributed as a chain booklet in 2006. These charts have been available in color on this website for some time. Study Charts Galleries.

I am happy to announce that the chain began at the first of the year when my friend Michael sent out copies to my friends who had promised to copy and distribute more. One friend responded by saying, "God bless you for all your hard work. The charts are awesome, keep up the good work brother." (B.J.)

Another friend writes: "Thank you very much for the chart offering. As I am writing this to you. I have a copy service binding twenty chart booklets. Your message of Christ shall make an impact on my community. God be with you." (Cal)

If you would like to make a commitment to produce copies of this booklet to participate in their distribution, please contact us.

Mending The Body

I hope you have noticed under Recent Work on the homepage, an outreach called Mending The Body Behind Prison Walls. This has been the most exciting ministry in my 30 years of prison ministry. This month you will find several updates that includes a new lesson, a ministry worksheet, priorities and suggestions for evangelism in prison.

The whole purpose is to be a witness to those we live with in the prison housing units, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is important to be a Godly example, while carrying out Bible studies, group prayer, discipleship and food spreads that encourage fellowship. Instead of men limiting their ministry to the prison chapel, they see the importance of every part of the Body of Christ doing its share in the housing units.

We believe "Mending The Body" will prosper in prisons around the world. If you know of a bold Christian inmate who would implement this outreach, please send him or her copies of the website files. This may be God's way of using you to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the hearts of prison inmates.

The Ezekiel Wheel Project

Speaking of heaven, the prophet Ezekiel and the apostle John are just two of those who have been privileged to see a vision of God's throne. This heaven and earth connection is God's redemptive revelation of Jesus Christ and is available for all of us to experience. This is the unveiling of God's plan of love to save sinful man from the destruction of sin by the blood of His own Son, resulting in our connection to heaven through His resurrection.

The problem is that our vision is so connected to earth through our five physical senses, that we fail to exercise our five spiritual senses by meditating on the finished work of Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit that gives reality, vision and intense consciousness of our union with Jesus Christ.

This consciousness of our union with Jesus Christ comes through believing the reality of God's Word. For instance, "...this is the main point of the things we are saying. We have such a High Priest [Jesus Christ], who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man." 2 We believe that Jesus lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, but do we believe Jesus to be our High Priest, who prays for us right now in heaven? 3

Click Here to view The Ezekiel Wheel Project

Manson Madness

Far away from the reality of heaven is the worldly Manson madness that goes on in the minds of many on the internet. I received this letter from a friend who says it best:

"Charles, a few months ago, I purchased a computer for my wife's needs. I had her go online to see some stuff. Your website is very nice. I love the ocean sound. There is a lot of stuff on different websites about the Manson murders. After 30 minutes, I had enough of those sites. I have no interest in the world's obsession. There are a lot of strange folks out there!

I'm not the kind of person who falls for all the stuff people create. You are my friend Charles Watson, not some character named "Tex" that the people in the world create. I'm much more hip than that. I hope you get the message I am conveying." (Bill)

What Is The Message?

The message was simple to the apostle Paul: "Christ came into the world to save sinners, and I was the worse of the all." 4 Again he says: "...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." 5

It is only as we take God at His Word can we understand the forgiveness of sin; past, present and future. The Lord said through His prophet Jeremiah: "I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." 6

This event took place 2000 years ago when Christ took our sin upon Himself on the cross and gave us His righteousness. "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.7 This fact should bring rejoicing to our soul.

If you are still struggling with the condemnation of sin, there is freedom for you from guilt and shame. I'd suggest you read portions of my book Christianity For Fools. It is time to celebrate your salvation by rejoicing in the finished work of Christ through His death, burial and resurrection.

No Longer "I"

I share the apostle Paul's view, who said: "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." 8

I appreciate letters, especially from those who rejoice because of my new life in Christ. I usually respond to most letters, unless someone is seeking an autograph or a collectible, then I do not involve myself.

Many people identify me as the old man who committed those murders so many years ago, but with much remorse I say, I have moved on in life. "I died and was buried with Christ. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, I also live a new life." 9 This is my reality!

What's My Secret

I love the lyrics of the old hymn: "It is no secret what God can do, what He has done for others, He will do for you. His arms wide open, He'll pardon you. It is no secret what God can do."

My identity is established solely in the reality of who I am in Christ Jesus. I understand that God loves me, and sent His son to be the sacrifice for my sin. 10Therefore, I am loved by God, and since I know He loves me, I know He loves you too, because He is no respecter of persons. 11

Throughout the website, I share my new identity, but what helps most is to realize that the blood of Christ has cleansed our conscience of sin. 12 As a result, we are not to live life full of guilt and shame, but rather conscience of our righteousness in Christ. 13

A Prayer For You...

God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, give me spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that I might grow in the knowledge of God. I pray that my heart will be flooded with light so that I can understand the wonderful future God has promised to me. I want to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance He has given to His people. I pray I will understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him. Amen


1) Jere. 15:16
2) Heb. 8:12
3) Heb. 7: 25
4) 1 Tim. 1:15
5) 2 Cor. 5:17
6) Jere. 31:34
7) 2 Cor. 5:21 NLT
8) Gal. 2:20 NLT
9) Rom 6:4 NLT
10) 1 John 4:10
11) Acts 10:34
12) Heb. 9:14
13) Rom. 5:17-21